The Game is the Game
I used to come up with endless reasons why I should attempt to self-improve. I have a blog out there somewhere called ‘My Whys’. It talks about Freedom, and Health and Wealth and all the wonderful things I could do being free, healthy, and wealthy. All the places I could visit, all the people I could help. But like a motivational quote or speech, these things lose their impact after a while. In time I would forget to summon my whys, and even when I did summon them, they wouldn’t ‘hit’ in the same way they first did. Their potency was diminished. I even have the vague sense that I suffer some overall loss from ever having the ‘why’ in the first place.
Now I just try to self-improve because that’s the challenge, that’s the game.
When my alarm goes off at 05:00am, I don’t think about increased productivity or beating the opposition. My only thought is, this is the game, and to win the game I must get up.
I don’t ponder the benefits of meditation, and exercise, and eating healthy, I simply do them. Because the game is the game.