I'm Chris. I'm a 50 something man who's life report card at this moment in time reads 'could do better'. I certainly would have expected more from myself at this stage in my life. I'm sure at twenty I felt like I had some unique and innate gift to offer the world :). Well if I did have such a gift it has remained so innate that no-one has got to witness it yet. I don't even know what it is... but there's something, surely. Or maybe I'm just some slightly below average douche-bag and it's not me that needs changing, but my expectations of myself. Hey, yeah I like that, that seems a lot easier. Blog over. I'm inherently useless and have overachieved by doing as well as I have so far.

I'm like the kid that has coasted through secondary school and now he's finally realised he'd better up his game... but exams are only six months away. Time to get cramming.

In recent years I've learnt a lot in my efforts to 'do better'. I've tried a lot, thought a lot, and failed a lot. The purpose of this blog is to journal my continued efforts. One of my first blogs will be a more detailed report card of where I'm at right now. And then it's just a case of seeing where I get to... will I flunk my exams, will I scrape a few passes, or will I pass them all with flying colours.

My money is on passing with flying colours, but then I might still be as deluded as twenty-year-old me.