Take an ape out of the wild and inject it with botox and fillers, give it a boob job, butt implants too for symmetry, place a vape in one hand and a perpetually scrolling phone in the other, put a gaming device in its lap, and feed it endless amounts of junk food, deprive it of nature, deprive it of trees to climb, regularly shove coke up its nose, regularly poor alcohol down its neck, how long do you think before that ape is depressed.
Then when the ape is all fucked up, depressed and obese, give the ape drugs to counter these symptoms. And when the ape feels disillusioned, disconnected, soulless because of its lifestyle and the drugs, give it more drugs. Tell the ape he has anxiety and adhd. That explains a lot says the ape, relieved at the diagnosis. I thought I was just going mad.